Ellie's blood counts were pretty good today, but the platelets were not high enough to start chemo...yippee! We are scheduled to take her in for bone marrow biopsies on Tuesday and then start chemo on Wednesday or Thursday. I am so glad. We will have 5 or more days...for her to EAT. So that's the big news.
After the clinic appointment, we went to visit Ellie's new second cousin who is one week old. We've pretty much been keeping Ellie in a bubble these days, so we figure that a new baby is the safest person for her to be around...and vice-versa. Ellie was thrilled - she was able to hold baby Aiden and even helped to feed him his bottle.
Ellie and Aiden:

Oh that's so wonderful! I'm so happy she got to see Aiden - congrats on that and more eating time! love ya'll!
perfectly precious!
Great picture! Tell Ellie I'm jealous she got to hold him before me! Kim
How fun! Looks like Aiden could have spent all day cuddled with you, Ellie! Praying for you! Les
Ellie, WE LOVE THE NEW LOOK!! Hang in there. God is with you and will see you through. What an inspiration you are to us all.
Dave, Dana, David and Gracie McBroom
Ellie is so beautiful she doesn't need HAIR, EARINGS, or even make-up to look like a girl... Her smile is all she needs!!! She is ALL girl! Love you beautiful one,
Aunt B and Neal
We have something to send to you guys and I can not find the address that was posted for mail. Please post that again.
Thinking of you all always.
Ronalee, Derek, Tyler (and little Riley)
Hi. I live in Topeka Kansas and wanted you to know that my kids and I have been praying for Ellie and your family. Your story is an awesome picture of how the Lord holds us in His hand and guides us through the hard times. Keep looking to the Lord.
Malachi 3:3
Anne Daniel
Thank you all for your sweet comments!
Ronnie, the address is:
c/o Stan Skees
1000 East First St.
Sanford, FL 32771
Thanks :-)
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