Ellie goes to PROM
I'm so sorry it's been so long since my last update. We've had a busy week, but mostly good. Ellie has experienced some leg pain through radiation, but it has been relatively minor. It's actually on the backs of her legs - in her upper calves. The radiation oncologist believes that there is some inflammation of her tendons. Her last treatments are tomorrow... so almost done - yeah!
I finally have some pictures for you.
We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art over the weekend. It was wonderful! Ellie loved the Egyptian exhibit, but I completely enjoyed the art. We spent more time in the modern art section (a personal favorite of mine) but we had to take a little time to peruse the Monets. I had no idea "Waterlilies" was so large and the colors were much more vibrant in person than in any books or posters, etc. that I had ever seen. John got me in the picture so that you could see how big it was!

After the museum, we went to a little Alice and Wonderland tea room for dessert and tea. Ellie went into complete sugar shock and proceeded to bounce off the walls before we took pity on the people and left. This picture caught one of the many faces she was making!

And last, but not least... PROM! We had so much fun. Ellie had her makeup done and picked out jewelry and a purse in the playroom. For weeks before, there were racks of dresses out in the playroom for ladies and girls to pick from. And - we get to keep our dresses! They were all donated by various shops. For those of you who know about such things, my dress is BCBG Max Azaria!

This is Ellie's doctor: Dr. Kushner

This afternoon Michael, Kathy and Ethan arrive!! We are SO excited. It is finally beginning to sink in that we are leaving. We will be able to wrap ourselves around Ethan for a whole month and Ellie will have all the rest and nutrition that she needs. Ahhh.... I can feel all of the little knots up and down my back ease up - one by one just at the thought! And we can't wait to see Michael and Kathy. It has been so long.
Thanks for your patience with me in my sporadic posting. I'll try to get pictures of the next couple days out as soon as possible! We love you.
ellie looks so beautiful.sarah i love your dress. you both looked great. that is so sweet that they do that. you guys looked like you had so much fun. we will be praying for a safe trip to montana. have a wonderful time.you all deserve it. looking foward to more pictures. love simons family
Ellie looks so fragile and lovely in her "prom" outfit. Her mother looks lovely! What generous and thoughtful people are surrouding you during this challenging time. Please tell Ellie that her namesake goat is doing well - loving the warmer weather we are having now and relaxing in the pastures with her twin brother and extended family. Violet and Montana are growing like crazy! They all love their names - sometimes even stop eating for a minute to look at us when we call them. Hope that Ellie will do the same for your time in Montana - just graze and laze dear Skees family!
ellie looks BEAUTIFUL, as do you, sarah! great colors for you both - thanks for the pictures :) i sent a hug with ethan this morning, he's so excited to see you! i love you and i also have some photos from our trip down - i can email them to you. love you guys, have a great last weekend there!
Wonderful pictures! I'm so glad you guys have a chance to go and just relax and be together. Enjoy! You have a very beautiful, precious, girl there. What a treasure! Praying for you all.
In Christ,
I'm glad you chose the magenta, it looks beautiful on you!
John was a lucky man to have two such beautiful ladies as his date to the Prom. He looks just as happy as his girls! Thank you so much for all that you share. You are such an inspiration and I love the Skees family. Special hugs and kisses to Ellie and a wish for a wonderful trip for all of you.
Love, Paula
Hi Ellie,
You look very pretty.
Grateful that Ellie's radiation treatments have gone quite well. My daughters have been praying for her faithfully! So glad for your month of R and R: it sounds wonderful. Praying for safe travel, good health, good eating, and wonderful times with the Lord and each other.
Janet D
beautiful in every way...
Wow!!! Sarah..you are looking very gorgeous in your gown and Ellie is beautiful in her outfit as well!! I will ditto that John must have been beaming at having the two hottest women on his arm all night! :) So glad you were able to have some fun like that!! Take care, have a great trip and we are thrilled for this 'break' you are getting! love, les
What a gorgeous pair you two make! John must have been counting his blessings that night!We love you and are praying for you all!
Lots of Love, Jill
Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures. Truly God does smile on His children! Hope you all enjoy the much needed respite out West.
Mollie Covington, Doylestown PA
As ususal the style diva and her daughter (who seems to take after her) look beautiful! Love you have a super trip. Hi to John.
Yeah! Those pics were great, and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time! Dashing ladies at PROM. :) Get those knots and kinks out, and have a WONDERFUL time as a family. What a blessing from the Lord! Love you!
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