Offline for some time...
Hi. I just wanted to let you know that John will be leaving for Florida sometime tomorrow. Please pray for a safe trip (it will probably take around 5 days).
I will be offline for a while - I'm not sure how long yet. My computer has a vicious virus. John's been working on it, but it's too complicated to fix in time, and he needs to pack. John will be taking his computer with him to Florida, and I will try to get mine fixed ASAP.
I'll be back as soon as I can...
In the meantime, I leave you with some photos of my parents with my new nephew, Tanner!
Gary (AKA "Papa" to all the grandkids) feeding Tanner:

Mom (AKA "Grandma") with baby Tanner:

Kisses for Grandma:

NOOOOOO! I need our video time! Need, not want. Get that lap top to a computer tech please.
Precious baby! Love your Mom's hair, she looks so beautiful and happy!! Can't wait to see John, sorry you are without him and your computer... I'm sure you can use La's or Reni's!!! Love you, Aunt B
Dearest Sarah,
You may already be offline but I want you to know we will pray for John's trip this week. Also, strength and protection for Ethan and yourself during these months.. You are an incredibly strong woman and I know the Lord will continue to uphold your family! Thanks for updating all of us on your journey..
Many Blessings,
The Haviland's
Oh Sarah, I'll miss you! I know I haven't commented much lately - my life has been HECTIC. But just knowing you will be offline and I WON'T be able to contact you makes me sad. :-)
Praying for you as you go through all these changes! And yea, we should plan to meet sometime. I am about 2 hours from you.
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Hi Sarah! Been FOREVER since I have posted, but have kept up with you all a bit even with 'dail-up' here on Java..... Well... it will be neat to see what the Lord works out for your family in regards to the move. I agree. I good move financially. We will trust the Lord with His leading. :) I look forward to hearing how John makes out with business and how things are shaping up - next time you are online. :) karen
Debbie and Joel,
Thanks so much for the comment! I didn't post it because I didn't want to make your phone numbers public, but I just wanted you to know that I will pass them on to John. Thanks so much! :-)
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