Hospital Days...
The past few days for Ellie have followed a similar routine: try to eat (more than she really wants to), walk some laps around the hall (also more than she wants to), and sleep as much as she possibly can (we have no trouble getting this to happen!). Throw in some computer games, TV, and some fun crafts in the playroom and that about sums up her days... While we are often treated to glimpses of Ellie's happy and sparkly personality, she is also frequently overwhelmed and continues to deal with the heavy emotions that naturally follow such brushes with death.
I thought you'd like to see a picture of her pretty face - without tubes and tape.

This video is of one of Ellie's first walks with the physical therapist some days back. Her voice was still very soft, so it's not easy to hear on this clip. She has been regaining her voice a little bit more each day, but it is still not up to full strength.
9 Comments: beautiful, yet so heartbreaking...keeping you in our prayers.
Peter and family from Canada
What a beautiful girl you have there...takes after her mom!!! We're praying for renewed strength for you, appetite for Ellie, and overall continuing recovery! les
Thank you for the video. It helps us to "know" Ellie better. Our family is always praying for Ellie and she is a household name around here now.
We ran into your Aunt Reni and her mom (can't remember her name but she is a dear!) at the feed store the other day and had a great visit. What a blessing to have such a wonderful family and a beautiful supporting network.
God bless you all,
It's good to see Ellie getting stronger. Looking forward to even better things.
The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.
(Psalm 34:22)
I am so happy that you are a little bit better. I hope that you will get more and more and more better so you will not have to be in cancer and have to get all in pain.
-Alexa McDougall
p.s. Thank you for including the pictures and video.:) - Kristina
WOW!! Ellie was moving right along with that walker. How encouraging!! We're anazed after what we saw just 2 short weeks ago.
Terry D.
Be assured we ARE praying for you all. Thankful Ellie is better and definitely praying for her to have a better appetite.
We love you and praying much for you, Baders
Thank you for sharing the video footage with us. It was lovely to see Ellie walking and talking. God bless you all. Still praying.
Hi there - I'm from Sydney, Australia and came across your blog through CWO and have been following your journey. Just want to let you know that I am praying over here as well and praising God for Ellie's strength and determination. What an amazing girl!!! Our God is an awesome mighty God and he will work a miracle in your beautiful little girl.
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