Trip to New York
We had a long, but very fun day getting from Florida to New York with Angel Flight. They were wonderful - we had great pilots who were so thoughtful and generous with their time and airplanes. The whole thing was a great adventure. For most of the day we faced a pretty stiff head-wind, so the trip was even longer than it could have been, but we certainly didn't mind! John was in his element. On one flight, just before landing, there was a good deal of turbulance. I was quite startled once when the plane lurched, so I quickly looked over at Ellie to see if it had upset her, and there was a smile on her face that reached from one ear to the other! I couldn't see John's face in that moment, but I kind of think his expression mirrored hers. Of course.
Florida to South Carolina
Airplane: Piper Aztec
Pilot: Ken
Co-Pilot: Bob

South Carolina to Virginia
Airplane: Cessna 182
Pilot: David

Virginia to New Jersey
Airplane: Cirrus
Pilot: Steve

Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of Ellie! Our family prays for you everyday, especially my 7 year old daughter. I can not tell you how amazing you are and how many peoples lives are touched by you and your precious family! I know the Lord holds you in his mighty right hand and will never let you go. Thank you for allowing those who have never met you, love your family and stand with you in faith before our Lord!!
Love, The Havilands
Charlotte, NC
Hey there Ellie and family! It's Shelby from Team In Training. Ellie, thank you so much for coming out to practice this morning, you were truly a superstar! I am going to send you the pictures from yesterday's event at The House, as well as the pictures from this morning.. I'm working on getting some really awesome underwater pictures from my teammate who is a marine biologist! I will stop soon, and would love for you to come out to practice! :) Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Hello Skees family! I have sent you some email with great pictures from the Mother's Day event yesterday, and the practice this morning.. Ellie you are AWESOME.. you now have your very own Team In Training fan club!
Thank you so much for coming out to practice.. :) I'll stop by Ronald McDonald soon... :)
Oh My!! Sarah, My stomach was doing flips when I saw the planes I did not realize they were so small. I have a whole new admiration for you I would have been putting a whole new meaning to getting air sick.
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