We will always remember Ellie for her love for others, her creativity, sensitivity, and delight in life! Ellie's light has spread far and wide... may it continue to shine in our hearts.

Monday, January 28, 2008

New Blog

Just a quick note to let you know that I have another blog. This one will continue as the primary blog to keep updated on our family, but I do have a new one. It is called "Navigating Neuroblastoma" and exists solely as a means of sharing information about NB with anyone who is interested. I still have much to add to it, but I primarily wanted to get the word out about it. I am wanting to share links to other NB families, but don't want to add those without permission. If you have a child who has (at any time) fought NB and you would like me to give a link to your website, please either comment on one of the blogs or email me! Thanks so much.

Below is the link to the new blog:



At 1:26 AM, Blogger Another Blog said...

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for posting the video of Ellie's Florida memorial service. That was beautiful. The dance, music, testimony, slideshow and Bible message speaks volumes of our hope in Christ. He is a great Savior. He's the only one who could bring such beauty and truth to our life.

Speaking of beauty, that's a(nother) great photo of Ellie on your new blog.

He lives.

And so does she.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Kritter Krit said...


I watched the video of Ellie's memorial service today during Sophie's nap. It was so beautiful. I alternated between laughing and crying. It was such a great celebration of her life. Man, talk about "peace that surpasses understanding" - your mom's tribute was amazing. Very sweet. I know you were so proud of her. I boohooed through the whole thing. (Sophie informed me after her nap: "You look so nice and funny, Mama. Like splotches.)

I've been thinking about you, John, and Ethan lots today. And about Ellie. It's hard to believe that the life of one little girl, who I never even had the privilege of knowing personally, has deepened my walk with the Lord.

I spend much more time praying and in quiet reflection of our Savior -because of Ellie's example and because of your family and the strength of your testimony and faith and hope in Christ.

For that, I say thank you.

Praying for you - for comfort and strength from our Father.

Love in Christ,

At 6:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still praying for you. You come to mind each day. Hope you are doing ok and getting through each day feeling upheld and comforted. How is Ethan doing? Any secific prayer requests?


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