I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update you all. (I just had the thought flash through my brain that I start way too many entries that way!)
I've been having one of those kinds of weeks where I've let everything go. Over the last couple of months I have been trying so hard to keep up with the little things, but for one blissful week I have just let them all go. (It helps that Ethan's on spring break, so I don't have to drag myself out of bed on time every morning.) I've been on a creative binge that has left little room for mundane things such as dishes and laundry. And while blogging is not on my list of the mundane, it too had to go by the wayside. It is 1:30 a.m. right now, and as I look out over the living room, I see 5 swords, 6 sticks, miscellaneous leggos, several stuffed animals and other random toys. And that's just across the room from where I sit. On the desk, all around my computer, are water bottles, a coffee cup, a paper cutter, glue stick, exacto knives, car keys, several large rocks (which have no purpose other than that they are pretty), reading glasses, candy wrappers, and a large stainless steel bowl - among other things. On the floor, surrounding my chair is a landslide of papers, 20 years worth of journals, a Bible, colored pencils, an overflowing trash can, a headphone set, and oh looky there - one of Ethan's socks! I'm a little nervous that when I actually begin the cleanup process I may find the remains of one of my dinners from past days (although "dinner" may be exaggerating the odd bits of food I've consumed). You think I'm joking, but I won't even describe the kitchen to you. (I do have a little dignity, you know.) I'm sorry that I'm not unveiling a grand masterpiece to you all - that's not really the point. For some time now, I've been parceling out my creativity in small doses while keeping all the other balls up in the air. What a relief to stop juggling and just read and write and cut and color and glue... pure heaven, I tell ya!
Tomorrow reality will hit me over the head with a thud. It should have been today, but the sun was shining and the temperatures skyrocketed up to around 60, so Ethan and I went to the park for about three hours to hang out with a bunch of moms and kids from my Thursday morning Bible study. We had a great time! I got to have some good visit time with other moms while being warmed by the sun. Ethan spent the first hour up in a tree, but he eventually came down and played with the other kids. I think that he was just as excited about the tree as he was the friends. I would call up to him every so often to make sure that he wasn't stuck, and he would say "don't worry about me, Mom, I'm fine. But I really wish that I could climb higher."
So now is the time to catch you up on recent events! I know that I have lots to fill you in on about John's visit, but that will be in a future post. First I want to show you the photos from our Minnesota trip!
Mom and Gary took Ethan and me to a place that has an indoor water park! It was such a treat to immerse ourselves in water. I think it had been at least two years since I'd donned a swimming suit. (Yikees! I'm not going
there.) Anyway... Ethan was in pure heaven!
Ethan started out on the smaller water slides that he could comfortably do by himself:

And then graduated to this:

He took turns riding the monster slide with Mom, Gary, and me in a double inner tube:

He even graduated to doing it on his own!

There was a lazy river:

And a hot tube to warm up in:

On another day, we visited the Mall of America, and Ethan had more fun than one little boy could ever imagine!
This was Ethan's favorite ride - the swings:

And bumper cars:

Ethan and I rode two different roller coasters. This was the milder of the two!

We got to visit the aquarium in the mall:

Ethan was desperately trying to find a matching real shark for his new shark:

Found it!

And of course, best of all, we were able to spend time with family...
We stayed the majority of the time at Dave and Trisha's house. Ethan fell absolutely in love with his Aunt Trish! He talked her ear off and she won him over by coloring with him. This is Dave, Trish, and baby Tanner:

Ethan also loved spending time with "Grandma" and "Papa" again after more than a year without getting to see them! Here's Mom and Gary with Tanner:

Ethan with his new cousin!

All in all, we had a wonderful trip! I was also able to see some friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. We had a great visit with a good friend I hadn't seen in three years. Then in a completely surprising turn of events, my matron of honor from my wedding happened to be in Wisconsin - only a couple of hours from where we were! We had not seen each other since my wedding day 15 years ago. I was able to see her and her family (the last time I saw her she didn't have kids, and now she has three children and one more on the way) and even got to see her sister and her family. I was so glad that they could also meet Ethan!
Thanks for your patience with me. I'll be back in a few days with photos from John's surprise visit!