We will always remember Ellie for her love for others, her creativity, sensitivity, and delight in life! Ellie's light has spread far and wide... may it continue to shine in our hearts.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Round Four Begins!

Well, so I guess I was wrong! I'm writing this from the hospital. We got in late last night. Ellie's blood counts were fine, but at the clinic we were told that there weren't any beds available yet at the hospital, so we should call every day until one came open. Yesterday afternoon I was vegging on the couch (rather, my bed, which doubles as a couch these days)...the house was a wreck, but I didn't care - I hadn't slept much the night before and had a pounding headache. We weren't going anywhere, so why not leave the picking up until tormorrow... The phone rang and we got word that there was a room for us! So I spent the next five or six hours cleaning up the house and packing.

As I sit right now, there's a peaceful calm feeling surrounding me. My house is in order so we will not be coming home from the hospital to chaos. I'm back in my little cocoon at the hospital. Ellie is sleeping soundly this morning, as chemo hasn't started yet. Ethan went happily to Stan and Pat's last night after having a good evening at home, playing nicely with his sister (wonder of wonders!). John brought us to the hospital last night and stayed over with us, then got up early and went to work. And for the moment my couple nights of sleep deprivation haven't completely caught up with me. I do dread the chemo and how that will make Ellie feel, but for now there is calm. I like calm.

This morning Ellie will get an EKG and an Echo Cardiogram before chemo starts today. I'm glad for that, as this is Ellie's fourth cycle of chemo and I'd like to know how her heart has taken the previous three. Literally as I was typing the last two sentences, a lady came in and did the EKG. Ellie woke up enough to do the test and take the stickers off herself (very important that she do it herself!) and then rolled over and went back to sleep. The last time she had an EKG, Ellie was scared to death...she asked a million questions about the stickers and how it all would feel. This time she handled it like a pro. I didn't even have to get up out of my chair! I just cannot get over how quickly Ellie has adapted to everything. Even coming in for chemo is no big deal for her. I think she kind of enjoys the change of scenery and getting to talk with the doctors and nurses. She is a girl, after all, and already has a certain number of words to get in each day (I think that her number is actually greater than mine!). On the way to the hospital last night, we had music on in the car and I was hoping that Ellie would fall asleep. During the last 10 minutes or so of the ride, her eyes were closed and we were convinced that she was asleep. As soon as John pulled into the parking space, Ellie's eyes popped open and she grinned. She said that to keep herself from talking, she closed her eyes and made up stories. What a funny little creature!

I will let you know how things go here at the hospital, as they happen. When you're thinking of Ellie, please pray that this round of chemo will go well and that the drugs will do their work on the cancer, but not take too big of a toll on her body. Thanks so much!


At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do not know each other, I have been praying for Ellie and have been reading the Blogger. My heart goes out to you all. I read of so much love I just cry..a good cry. The love for God and each other it just fills my heart!! God Bless you, Your courage to write daily stuff and for your Husband to be a comfort to her in time of need. God has richly blessed you all!!You have touched so many people with this site. I pray that God will contuine to give you the strenght you need each and every minute of the day. You all are so special!!!
My friend at my church gave me a card of Ellie, I thank you so much for allowing me to share a part of her life.
God Bless,
Love and prayers

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Sherri! We are continually touched that you and others like you would care so much for someone you've never met before. Your prayers mean more to us than you could ever know. It is our privilege to have you in our lives!


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