On the Home Front...
I just talked with John this evening and today was the first day of The Yard Sale to end all yard sales! I'm a little relieved not to have been there to see the remnants of my past life all over John's parent's front lawn. I'm so thankful for all of the work that John's mom and Ginger have done to sort through it all... it was a huge job. They sold a lot today, and hope to do just as well tomorrow - there are a few large items left and a bunch of little ones and toys, etc.
Ethan has been at Mom and Gary's over the past couple of days - that has been a huge blessing to have him away from all of the mayhem. Between a few days last week and some this week at Grandma and Papa's, Ethan has been having the time of his life. He's learning to swim and got to catch his very first fish! Mom sent me some pictures that I thought you'd enjoy.

could Ethan be any cuter all boy!? Thank you for sharing the pictures and your lives - we continue to pray for all of you and Ellie's namesake goat is all gangly legs and sweet nature.
Thinking of you all every day.
My name is Phil and I heard about your story this morning at Dave's barber shop in Sanford when I told Dave that my son and I would not be back any more as my family and I are moving to Montana!
They were suprised and gave me your card off of the bulletin board so I thought I would write to see where you moved to and if you or your family need any help with getting any more things, people etc to the Big Sky country.
We are moving to the Kalispell area and intend to leave on Labor day.
We live in Deltona and would be happy to be of assistance if we can. I am not to familiar with the whole story of Ellies but will pray for her and your family as well.
We would like to maybe catch up with some more "Florida Crackers" up there and my wife Kathy and I have 6 kids all to gether. 3 older out of the house and Savannah 12 MacKenzie 9 amd Johnny 4.
Your son Ethan is a cutie that's for sure!
Please pray for our move as we will begin praying for you and your family.
God bless you guys and hope to hear from you soon.
What a sweet little boy! Glad all is going well. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless,
Good Morning,
I had the unexpected pleasure to meet you Ellie and your family at the HuHot restraunt last night.
I was suprised because I felt that the action of cutting my hair was a single act of encouragement for my friend. It never occurred to me that it would trickle out and actually give anything to others. The blessing I recieved in having the moment to meet you, to visit, is priceless to me! It had to be the Angels knowing we needed to exchange courage and support.
Long hair isn't all it's cracked up to be. For one, it's soooo time consuming, we can be having a lot more fun focusing on much more interesting things. Like sports, bugs, reading, chocolate.
Since you're moving in to the Kalispell area I am sure we will bump in to each other again. I look forward to seeing you and your family. Welcome to Montana I think you will enjoy it here.
You truely are a Blessing Ellie
A new friend, Cindy Schiltz
Hi! :) I'm still staying up with what is going on as we travel around with our sporadic internet capabilities. Yeah for the rain, yeah for Ethan getting a fish and learning to swim and the relief of the 'Mother-of-all-Yard-Sales.' :) Hugs to you all!!! We are in NJ at the moment! Will be in FL the end of Sept/beginning of Oct. :) Love Ya!
We continue to pray for your family here in California. We're concerned that we haven't heard any updates for awhile. Trusting all is going well for you in Florida and Montana. Please know that we and the folks at our church (Clear Lake Baptist) in Lakeport, CA, regularly pray for Ellie. Sending our love, Don and Dee Wilcox
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