Ethan is Aang!
Ethan dressed up as Aang, from Avatar the Last Airbender, today at school. He was so cute!
Here's Ethan and Elly. She was Dorothy from The Wizzard of Oz. (Notice Ethan's cool "staff" which is also a glider, and "Momo" the flying lemur.)

Where Elly is, Ethan is sure to be found! The kindergarteners walked around to each of the class rooms to show their costumes. Most of Ethan's class had to ask who he was, but the older kids knew. Ethan said that one kid said "You rock, dude" to him as Ethan passed his desk. There was a third grader who shaved his head to be Aang, and that boy was mighty impressed to see Ethan.

For those of you who know nothing about Avatar, I've included a video from YouTube so that you can see who Ethan was trying to be.
Here is my "nutshell" explanation of the show:
The show is about a group of kids who are trying to save the world. They are able to "bend" the elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. People are only able to bend one particular element, but Aang, who was born an air bender, learns how to bend them all. I picked this particular video because it highlights the sweet friendship that Katara and Aang have throughout all of the Avatar shows. While Aang has the potential to be the most powerful being ever, he has much to learn and must face terrible anguish on his journey. Katara's unconditional love is what keeps him going. Katara's love reminds me of the verse that talks about there being no fear in love because perfect love casts out fear. (That is one of my all time favorite verses in the Bible. Can you imagine what it would look like if our love for one another fit that description?) Ellie really liked Katara (a water bender, who also has a special talent for healing). But I found it of particular interest that Ellie said that if she could choose, she would be a fire bender. John and Ethan said the same. I, on the other hand, chose water. Go figure.
Thank you for humoring me here. This is just a show that is special to us because all four of us enjoyed watching it. It brings back some pretty wonderful memories of Ellie, and is something that we can still share with Ethan.
He is SO cute! I love the photo of Ethan sitting with his head bent & hands together!
He's just adorable! I love his painted little head :P
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