We will always remember Ellie for her love for others, her creativity, sensitivity, and delight in life! Ellie's light has spread far and wide... may it continue to shine in our hearts.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Quick answers...

Thanks for all the sweet comments! We have been having a wonderful week despite John getting sick for a couple of days. I thought I'd just take the time to answer a couple of questions you asked...

Gena: John really loved my hair!

Rebecca: The wonderfully trustworthy guy has not fixed my computer yet. But I'm finding that I really don't
mind! :-)

I must go for now, as I'm typing this on my IPod and my thumbs are getting tired! I'll check back in later with longer posts and photos when my computer is up and running.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So I was unpacking my suitcases this afternoon, and John called to tell me that he did some checking around and found a guy in our town who would fix my computer for me. I wondered why not just take it to the same guys who fixed it last time. He said, "no, I really trust this guy. He will even come to the house and fix it for you." Before I even had a chance to listen to all of the warning bells in my head that statement brought on, he said "In fact, he's at the house now. Go answer the door." I opened the door to find JOHN standing there!! I think that I laughed and cried all at the same time and took a good 30 seconds to actually think to hug him! My hands are still shaking so badly I can hardly type... Some incredibly sweet friends of ours from our church in Florida bought him a ticket to come. He gets to be here for a whole week! John had called a friend from work to pick him up at the airport and drop him off at the top of the driveway. I don't know when I've ever been that completely surprised!! Ethan is absolutely thrilled and is glued to John's side as we speak. The three of us made our way over to the big house and just surprised the life out of Loretta, Reni and Mike. And the dogs. You should have heard the yelling and crying and laughing going on... Ethan did a great job pulling off the surprise. OK... I'm off to go stare at my husband for a while and pinch myself that he's actually really here... talking... and breathing... and... HERE.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hi. Just wanted to let you know that we have arrived home safely! I have a computer virus, so I'm on Reni's computer at the moment. When mine is fixed, I'll put some photos up for you to see all the fun we had!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Heading Home...

Our ten days in Minnesota have flown by! We have had a great time, and I have all kinds of photos to show you when we get home. We fly home to Montana tomorrow morning! I'll talk to you in a day or so. :-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 19, 1994....

15 years ago today, we were married! In so many ways, I can't believe that it's already been 15 years, and in other ways it feels like a lifetime. How could I not have been born knowing this person who knows me better than I even know myself? He understands exactly what I mean even when I utterly fail at my attempts in communication. He manages to find something beautiful in me even on my ugliest days. He balances me in the most wonderful of ways. He chooses to stay with me on the bad days, or weeks, or months. Our marriage is not perfect, but I don't expect that it ever can be, given our humanness and all. What it is, is uniquely ours. It is the life that we continue to build together. And on this special anniversary, I just want to publicly thank John for choosing me. For loving me. For holding me so tightly that I feel that I will never be afraid again. And for holding me so loosely that I live with complete freedom to be myself. If he gives me nothing else for the rest of my life, that will be enough.

Because it's a special day, you know that there has to be a song! :-) I've been saving the song "We Will Dance" by Steven Curtis Chapman, for just this occasion. It says exactly what I would like to say to John today...

(click "standalone player")

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!


I'm so sorry that I can't be with you today... our first anniversary apart! I love and miss you so very much!

All my love,

Friday, March 13, 2009

On a trip...

I was planning to update yesterday to let you know that Ethan and I are going to Minnesota for 10 days to see my parents. I'm also going to finally get to hold my new nephew Tanner! (Of course I'm excited about getting to see his parents, Dave and Trish too!)

So... before I had a chance to update yesterday, my computer got ANOTHER virus! Grrrr. I am about to leave to pick Ethan up and head to the airport - should have left 5 min. ago - but I grabbed a minute to get on Loretta's computer. I may have a chance to update from MN, but probably not often. I will miss you all while I'm gone!

Monday, March 09, 2009

The new "do"


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Just Checking In...

I just wanted to check in to say hi. I've got nothing terribly new or exciting to report.

I've had a busy week for the first time in a long time. I've gotten together with some friends and I had my hair done! The hair appointment was long overdue, and when that happens, the outcome is usually pretty exciting. This time was no different. I didn't go for a drastic change in style, but I opted to take a risk with the color! I'm so not sorry that I did. I'll try to get a photo up for you soon. It's very nearly platinum! You know how you like to find a look for your hair that is just perfectly "you"? Well that's usually what I'm going for. This time, I think I went a little farther outside of that box and went for the "me" that I would really like to be. :-) It's fun and interesting and I'm just really loving it.

So that's the news for now. I will get you a photo as soon as I can!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Love and marriage according to Ethan

As I was tucking Ethan in for the night, I was treated to a particularly amusing insight:

"Mommy, I don't want to ever get married. Because you have to kiss with lipstick. Ewwwwww, yuck! You have to kiss on the lips. And your lips go flat." (His poor little six year old mind just couldn't wrap around the horror of it all...)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Update on Josh

I just wanted to let you know that Tania said that the test results came back to show that Josh's cancer is stage I. They are so thankful for that news! Thank you for praying, and please continue. I believe that Josh started chemo on Monday, but I've not heard how it went.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Unexpected Treasures

Years ago, before we made the switch to a digital camera, we had gotten behind in developing some film. And then we forgot about it. John just took a bunch of rolls in to be developed, and found some priceless photos! I had realized some time ago that we didn't have many photos of Ethan as a baby. Now I know why.

Here are a few of the little treasures that were discovered:

Ellie loved to take care of her baby brother...



Daddy and his little ones...


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sometimes we just need a little perspective

Ethan: "When I hurt myself on that wood, I should have died."

Loretta: "Why should you have died?"

Ethan: "Because then I would LIVE!"